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Our Goal is to Instill a Love for Learning

Juneberry Hill Schoolhouse is a multi-age, full-inclusion one-room schoolhouse where practical life skills, friendships, and character building are emphasized as well as traditional academic curriculum.

A sketched rendering of Juneberry Hill Schoolhouse

Spend Time Learning Academics...

Traditional Academic Curriculum is taught using a variety of resources and a competency-based approach to instruction where all students progress based on mastery of material at their own pace.

As well as Practical Life Skills...

We go outside every day, no matter the weather. The gardens, fields, barns, and pastures are just as much a part of our classroom as the space within our schoolhouse.

Growing Faith, Friendships, and a Love for Learning.

Following the heart of Charlotte Mason, we believe in educating the whole child to develop a lifelong love of learning.

Living books to make the subjects come alive, narrations to secure it in their minds, and time outdoors to interact with God’s creation first hand are all central to Juneberry Hill Schoolhouse. 

Learning from a wide variety of sources, we incorporate singing and the study of composers, ASL, handcrafts and the arts, the Bible, and growing vegetables in the schoolyard as elements of education. 

"Education is an Atmosphere, a Discipline, a Life"- Charlotte Mason

Juneberry Hill Schoolhouse

Please note, to maintain safety and minimize distractions, unexpected visitors are not accepted during school hours. Please contact the teacher or administrator to book an appointment for a meeting or to set up a time to visit the school. Thank you!

Mailing Address

P.O. Box 181
Winesburg, OH 44690


Dundee, Ohio
