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Instructional Approach and Philosophy

Following the heart of Charlotte Mason, we believe in the value of a flexible and comprehensive education emphasizing moral values, the innate need for children to play and be in nature, and the family’s central role in learning. We view each child as a unique individual with his or her own needs, capabilities, and way of learning. Hands-on learning and opportunities for independent exploration in a supportive environment (both indoors and outdoors) filled with routine are foundational elements for our students to achieve to the best of their abilities.

Language Arts

Language Arts instruction in-class includes reading, writing, literature, and listening comprehension. Parents will teach phonemic awareness & phonics, spelling, grammar, handwriting, and elements of vocabulary during at-home days.


Math emphasizes a multi-sensory, balanced approach to math instruction including direct instruction, hands-on activities, and exploration integrated into daily activities. Individual math instruction will also occur during at-home days.

Social Studies

Social studies utilizes Bible-based curriculum taught in rotation with adaptive assignments across age and ability. Social studies focuses on history, geography, principles of freedom and government.

Physical Education/ Health and Safety

Physical Education includes one hour per day of active outdoor (if possible) unstructured play supervised by the teacher and or parent assistant. Health and Safety, First Aid, and Fire Prevention are integrated within Social Studies content as well as practiced according to requirements.

Science and Nature Study

Science covers the areas of physical science, chemistry, engineering, biology, earth science, space science, and health and safety including hands-on activities relating to each area of study. Nature study includes gardening skills and animal care.

Arts, Music, and ASL

Fine Arts and Crafts and Music Appreciation are integral part of our weekly schedule. ASL (Americal Sign Language) is taught daily to all students.

We honor the student’s needs for unstructured play, time in nature, socializing, creativity, and personal accountability.


We use a variety of Biblically-based curricula, quality books, hands-on materials, and various resources to best meet the needs of the students, facilitate cooperative learning, and further interest-based projects. 

